U.S. Postal Service Informed Delivery Use Agreement
January 23, 2020
The U.S. Postal Service updated the Terms and Conditions of Use Agreement for the Informed Delivery program. The new agreement contains several very important changes affecting how clients set-up their campaigns:
- Customers using a Representative Image must ensure the image is a reproduction of the address side of the mailpiece without an address showing, or the non-address (obverse) side of the mailpiece.
- URLs and interactive links submitted as part of the Content with Ride-along Images must be submitted as HTTPS and all URLs and links submitted as part of an Informed Delivery Campaign must lead directly to a landing page directly associated with the physical mailpiece utilized in the Campaign. Additionally, all URLs and links must be free of any malware, viruses, errors, or other aspects that could negatively impact the Informed Delivery feature and/or consumer experience with the feature. Customers must monitor the Campaign and any threats, vulnerabilities, malware and malformed links must be addressed and reported to USPS within twenty-four (24) hours of discovery. Finally, any website being linked to from an Informed Delivery campaign and/or USPS.com shall be branded in a manner or have a look and feel (“trade dress”) that will not emulate USPS.com or create a likelihood of confusion with USPS trade dress or otherwise lead consumers to believe or confuse consumers that they are on a USPS site.
Click the image below for a PDF of the terms:
Freedom is one of the largest privately held direct mail companies in the United States with five manufacturing facilities strategically located throughout North America. Specializing in the production of loyalty & acquisition direct mail programs, Freedom offers “inline” & “offline” traditional and 4-color fully-variable digital printing, in-house lettershop, extensive laser & inkjet personalization capabilities, mailing services, in-house commingling, logistics, and multi-channel marketing solutions supported by a proprietary client interface & campaign management technology platform.